Self- Assessment


Language is a way to communicate with others and express our thoughts, ideas, and comments. While the number of languages are endless, communication is necessary between people “different” from ourselves. During this class, our writing progressed in ways we did not know. As we continue to continue in our class, we will expand our writing skills even more. We will included scholarly articles and popular sources in essays, from our own research like JSTOR or online such as magazines or newspapers. It will include MLA citation and in-text citation. However, there is a process that goes through writing these essays. While in class we gather different types of writings that informed us with different views. All of these ideas and assignments expanded my writing even more.  Adding art to my project will add more flare and depth into the creativity and message that I am trying to convey. Especially through the visual essay, and interpreting different mediums, while doing the reviews.  This semester was probably my hardest so far, I struggled with many different things, including the stress due to certain situations. All these assignments and papers do truly help you grow as a writer. Despite the outside world, I was able to get done what I could and it helped me grow and perceive writing differently. There are things that I learned while writing these papers that I did not know in high school. Learning about all these different writings helped me analyze and become a better writer overall. My sources became stronger, which strengthened my research skills. During this course, we have practiced peer reviews, which I liked because getting feedback from others helps me revise and improve my writing. Having a different perspective will help your skills overall. While one might not like to peer review, it does help to get an outside opinion from the reader because that is your audience. Knowing what the audience reads can help you improve your grammar, delivery, and whole thought process. They can tell you things that you would have never thought of putting in your essay, which is why these peer reviews were so beneficial.  Having multiple reflections guided me along with the essays and generating my thoughts onto paper. This is important so I and other students did not get lost and overwhelmed, which was very helpful to us. The multiple drafts due forced me to make improvements in my writing with time, which I did not mind.